walked into the coliseum at exactly 20:00 to be greeted by the opening riff of bleed american, felt the excitement gush through me instantly

managed to get to a really decent spot (think middle, 2 people from the front) following gaff's lead. i'd never dare push people aside on my own, lol..

if you want to see my widest smile, you accompany me to a gig

goodbye sky harbor.
clinging onto my shirt at my shoulders with my arms across my chest i closed my eyes, let the sounds seep in
it was a moment i wished i could just clutch onto and keep close to my heart and never let go of
as i kept on thinking to myself, music is amazing


i love it when the only thing i can feel is the bass drum shaking me from the inside
i love it

met up with ben and bernard after that, they had dinner at brotzeit while i had a beer.

( "can you stop being so fair!?" )

finished rereading norwegian wood on the bus home.

hung out with brother chia and ipod and x-mini for a while in one of the pavilions downstairs. and when we came back up, i opened the fridge and reached for the bottle of pulpy while he reached for the coke. i liked how our movements were identical. it is really the little things that make us siblings.

personally handpicked for me by brother chia

but i can't touch them until i'm done with wuthering heights and tess :-(

i live for nights like these

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