"can i see your ic please"
"i don't have my ic with me."


he hands me the ticket stub
"next time please bring it along with you."

norwegian wood was difficult to get used to at first. so much was left out since they had to compact it to two hours. i liked the use of sound and music in creating the atmosphere. particularly impactful was the sound of crashing ocean waves. that part was painful to watch, the quiet kind of pain that you don't notice is there until the moment is over and you find yourself breathing deep.

i overhead from the row behind me,
"it's 9:15 and i still don't know what's going on"

it was a 7 o'clock screening.

when i reached home my mother asked me what movie i'd watched and i told her, and then she thought out loud, "haven't you watched that already?" i said no. "oh, that was your brother, he watched it that day. he went alone."

which is uncanny since he'd told me before that he had at least three friends who wanted to watch it with him

but i wasn't surprised anyway

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