rather eventful day - a div soccer finals and reminiscing with kenneth during our dinnversation after. got me all pensive about what jc life has been to me. "those were the days," he said, after talking about all the quirks of '11, and it struck me. if you put academics aside and consider what people speak of when they talk about the 'college experience', then my jc life ended when j1 did. that was when i fooled around during lectures, cut half my classes, dated, went for parties, hanged out in school, et cetera... being in j2 is completely different. there is really no time to participate in any way other than studying. so in that sense my jc life is sort of over. talking to kenneth, like how we used to almost every day, now feels like something of the past.

but what of last year that remains in me yet made me feel for you today. your pain, your disappointment.. probably nowhere close to what you were experiencing, but definitely a bit of it could be found in me. to care about someone that way.. for me that really means something. more importantly though i am so proud. you guys are deserving of every bit of glory.

amazing to find myself saying this, really. it's become a part of me. who would've thought SA would touch me this way.

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