idea that baffled me today: the concept of varying degrees of need (definition according to dictionary.com: a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation) ie. when you say i need a more than i need b, suggesting the possibility of forgoing b for a? then why claim that b is a need to begin with? you either i. have it or ii. don't have (which would also suggest that you don't need) it. so where does the correlation, or the idea of the degree of a certain need, come in... how do you weigh a requirement in relation to another supposed requirement if ultimately, by definition, both are considered musts......


anyway, completely screwed BT1s over i am fully aware of that but if things go according to plan that is project: recovery beginning with immediate effect i still maintain that i will be fine in time for the A levels

but now that i've put it out there using the word 'plan' i am like oshit because i have just reminded myself how plans/expectations/et cetera are in no way an indicator of reality

what am i saying


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