call for a break turned into a five hour long walk/sit/talk
on surviving in this goddamn country
empty out a pack over the topic of failure
counting the buds on the ground
choices, limitations

the dog days are over
... but they're barely beginning
oh. right. the days of being someone else's dog are over
you're your own dog now

imagining foreign workers filling up the river bucket by bucket
strolling into peirce at 0400
"my god, you love him"
this was the last song she introduced to me
i listened to it all the time i was in europe
"i still know now she wasn't lying"
you show me your place and i'll show you mine
acceptance and letting go
you and the way you captured so much of me,
even my faith in words
but i found my way back
a little less but still somewhat
hey i just caught a shooting star
you missed it

remember this feeling
make sure you never feel this way again

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